AJE (Adult Joyful Exercise)

Nature Joyful Exercise is an exercise of joy, exercise of happiness, exercise of Universal Family & exercise of the conscience.

It is not an aerobic dance, not a fitness activity, not a competitive activity, nor a gymnastic or any physical form of exercise.

Through the practice of joyful exercises, we learn to cooperate with one another and to express our inner gratitude for the blessings of Nature.

By combing Joyful exercise with nature song, and using our love, gratitude, joy & happiness to dance, and thereby revealing ones originally pure, healthy and natural body and mind, giving it an infinite inner joy, confidence and hope. These state of mind is known as Joyful Exercise.

Main Features of our Joyful Exercise

  • Using our body movements and smile to express the beauty of nature.
  • Using body movements to build up our strength and good health.
  • By singing and using body movements to energize our body, to release physical and mental pressure and defuse the anxiety and depression in us.

During the practise of Joyful exercise, one learns to interact, co-ordinate, co-operate & synergize with one another in a team, thereby creating more harmony and peace between people.

Joyful Exercise can bring joy to everyone, happiness to all family, peace & stability to the society, prosperity to the country & thereby realizing a universal world.

As we sing, dance, and exercise, our spirits, minds, and bodies become healthier and more content. Our differences are embraced with love and with the same affection that Mother Nature bestows upon us. Let us give our unreserved love to Mother Nature and to all beings of the world.